Thursday, March 20, 2008

From The Top Down

It has been said that great companies are built from the bottom up, and destroyed from the top down. Can you see how that applies to so many of the large companies currently, or recently, in the news. Thousands of employees and investors left holding the bag while a very few at the top, (CEO's, COO's, CFO's, etc,) have pocketed huge performance bonuses and salaries and stock incentives. Short term successes line their pockets even as they lead the company down the garden path. Well, I'm not planning to write about that today. I just wanted you to see the parallel between this and your personal wellness after 50. You could say you've built your body from the bottom up, from a single cell to a complex 50-something organism with years and miles of experience, also sometimes referred to as wear and tear. If you were to give your overall wellness a number from 1 to 10, with ten being nearly perfect, what would your number be? What would you like it to be ten or twenty years from now, realistically? I believe that a few points are contributed by your attitude. Your positive approach to life, to dealing with the daily events, breaking big problems down into a bunch of little solutions, has a lot to do with what number you answered with above, in addition to your actual physical health. From the bottom up, you need to keep giving your body the basic materials it needs to maintain itself, heal itself, and continue to thrive. Unfortunately what too often happens from the top down is we tell ourselves little lies. Lies like, "I'll start eating better right after the holidays", or "I'm going to start eating better" or "I'm going to start exercising more next month". From the top down, we sabotage our own future by making excuses for not doing what we should be doing right now.
I hope this doesn't really apply to you, but I will admit that it sometimes applies to me.

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